10 Mind Blowing Facts About the Human Body
The human body is wonderfully complex. There’s so much going on underneath all that skin that helps make up your body. So, to help you learn a little bit more about your anatomy, just take a look at the following 10 mind-blowing facts about the human body.
1. Sense of Smell
image via humannhealth.com
Your senses temporarily switch off when you fall to sleep. In fact, the last thing to wake up when you do is your sense of smell. So, after you’ve taken in your blurry surroundings, heard the nearby noises, you could soon be hit with a great big aroma.
2. Upside Down Eyes
image via dustyriversphotography.wordpress.com
This one is a shocker! Did you know your eyes see the world upside down? Your brain is so powerful that it corrects your sight for you. Incredible! The eyes also have two retinas, yet we don’t see two distinct images. Why? Because our brains bring the world into focus.
3. Your Voice
image via gigaom.com
Have you ever wondered how the world hears you? Well, all you have to do is cover your left ear and speak. By doing so, you’ll hear how other people hear you.
4. Bacteria
image via www.youtube.com
Are you wanting to shed a little bit of weight. Well you will either be delighted or disgusted to hear that some of your body’s weight is made up of bacteria. 2 kilograms, to be exact.
5. Finger Muscles
image via www.androidcentral.com
Take a look at your fingers. Now ask yourself what they are made up from. Was the answer muscles? Well, if it was, you’re wrong. Fingers do not contain any muscles and are made up of tendons. 10 gold stars to you if you got that one right!
6. Human Saliva
image via reviewproductstore.tk
Your saliva is pretty powerful. It contains opiorphin, which is a protein that is more powerful than morphine! The average human will also produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools in their lifetime. That’s a strong mix we wouldn’t like to take a dip in!
7. Motor Control
image via chrismeeksgraphicdesigns.wordpress.com
Your hands are pretty incredible – but your eyes are blind to it. They are capable of performing incredible actions, but your eyesight prevents them from reaching their full potential.
8. Unique Scent
image via www.nature.com
You have your own scent! No, we don’t mean you a bottle of perfume or aftershave named after you, we’re talking about your body, which produces a unique smell. Just like a fingerprint, you’ll even have a scent twin.
9. Stomach Lining
image via disney.wikia.com
It’s natural for us humans to blush when we feel embarrassed. In fact, we can’t help but notice our face burn up as we turn a deep shade of red. What you won’t notice is that the lining of your stomach also blushes when your cheeks blush.
10. Human Bite
image via www.pinterest.com
If you are ever bitten by a zombie, it will almost always become infected. That’s a fact. If you are bitten by a zombie, you will almost always turn into one.
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