10 Ways You’re Like Liz Lemon
Love food, casual clothing and TV? Yeah, so does Liz Lemon – and we’re going to show you 10 ways you’re just like her.
1. You Know What You Want
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Just like loveable Liz, you know what you’re want and you’re not afraid to ask for it.
2. You’re a Pro in the Romance Department
image via http://www.nbc.com/
You can’t help but jump for joy when once again you’ve successfully communicated with the opposite sex – when you thought they would just laugh and walk away.
3. You’re Scared of Unknown Children
image via http://www.nbc.com/
You might love your own children or your relatives’ children, but unknown children scare you. They’re too small, honest and loud for their own good – and it scares you.
4. You’re No Timewaster
image via www.buzzfeed.com
You use your time efficiently, making the most of every moment. Life is short – and there’s just so much popcorn that needs to be eaten.
5. You Crave a Comfy Relationship
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Why deal with all the quiet tension, hours of grooming and awkward kisses, when you could just get straight to the food, pyjamas and plenty of sleep. We like your style, Liz Lemon.
6. You Work on Your Night Cheese
image via www.buzzfeed.com
You love working on your night cheese. Admit it. We all do.
7. You Hate it When People Steal Your Food
image via http://www.nbc.com/
They can take your money and heart, but will they hell get their mitts on your food. You’ll do time for that.
8. You’re Subtle
image via www.buzzfeed.com
You know how to act in front of an intimidating celebrity/person – and can create a code better than the MI5.
9. Food is Your Comfort
image via http://www.nbc.com/
Food is your biggest form of comfort. It’s always there when you need it – and even when you don’t.
10. You’re a Home Bird
image via emilysgoldstandard.com
A night on the town? Hell to the no! A night in your pyjamas, eating pizza and watching TV is your idea of a good time. Sounds like a good life to us!
If you love Liz Lemon, check out 10 Facts About 30 Rock You Will Want to Know.
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