Category: History

st george's flag

10 Fantastic St George’s Day Facts

The List Love is offering 10 St George’s Day facts to celebrate St George’s Day and the life of the soldier. Us English folk are a little unpatriotic when it comes to the saint, and it’s probably because we know...

Titanic newspaper

10 Facts You Never Knew About RMS Titanic

The List Love has provided many RMS Titanic facts since our launch, as it is a maritime tragedy that never fails to capture the world’s heart and imagination. As the event’s anniversary is closely looming, we’re offering 10 Facts You...

10 Unbelievable Facts About John Gotti

John Joseph Gotti, Jr. is one of the most notorious mafia bosses of all time. He was known as “The Dapper Don” due to his love for expensive clothes and his outspoken, flamboyant personality in front of the cameras. Following three...

Roosevelt Blvd sign Germany

10 Rare Photographs From History

Photographs have the ability to transport us back in time, and can capture moments in history that should be seen or remembered. The List Love has shared a number of very rare photographs from history over the past few months,...

royal pet

10 Crazy UK Laws That Will Make You Laugh

Many people have a problem with UK’s legal system, what with the country’s lenient sentencing and the convenient prison quarters. The UK also has some pretty outdated laws, so The List Love is offering 10 crazy UK laws that will...


10 Television History Facts You Should Know

John Logie Baird made technological history when the first transmission of a human face was seen on television on 30th October, 1925. Since then, the world has fallen in love with TV, and this invention inspired multiple technologies that now...

Charles Manson

10 Weird Charles Manson Facts

Charles Manson is one of the most manipulative killers in history, and his actions resulted in the murder of seven people in the late 1960s. He is currently serving a life sentence behind jail at Corcoran State Prison, California, USA. Here...