Category: Occasions


10 Sparkling Bonfire Night Facts

Bonfire Night is on its way, and we can practically hear the fireworks! In celebration of Guy Fawkes and his conspirators failing to blow up the Houses of Parliament or King James I on 5th November 1605, most Commonwealth countries...


10 Terrorific Halloween Facts You Will Love

Halloween is nearly here! So what better way to celebrate the spooky holiday than with these 10 terrorific Halloween facts that you will love from The List Love. 1. Jack-O-Lanterns Pumpkins fill supermarkets all over the world for Halloween. However, Jack-O-Lanterns...

10 Wonderful Mother’s Day Facts

Mothering Sunday provides small and adult children with the chance to really appreciate our Mothers and all they do for us. The List Love is therefore offering 10 wonderful Mother’s Day facts. 1. Mothering Sunday Only the UK celebrate Mothering Sunday,...

St Patrick

10 Amazing St. Patrick’s Day Facts

Irish communities all over the world will celebrate St Patrick’s Day on 17th March, with many cities holding parades and parties. So, The List Love thought we’d have a little celebration of our own and provide 10 amazing facts about St. Patrick’s...