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10 Mouth-Watering Cadbury Facts

Cadbury was founded nearly 200 years ago, and is now one of the biggest and best chocolate brands on the market. If you take a look into the chocolate company’s history, you’ll find a wealth of interesting facts about their...


10 Lost Facts that Will Blow Your Mind

Whether you love or hate the Lost ending, you cannot deny that it was a show packed full of surprises and superb imagery. It’s hard to believe that it was 10 years ago that this ground-breaking show first hit our...

the sun

10 Sun Facts to Light Up Your Life

Without the sun, human life would not exist on Earth. Despite its important influence on our day-to-day lives, many of us know very little about the largest object in our solar system. It’s time to change that and read the...


10 Powerful Images to Put Your Life in Perspective

There are people in the world who are struggling with bigger problems than we can possibly imagine. The following powerful images will make you truly appreciate your life, whilst treasuring each and every person who enters it. 1. Heart Surgery...


10 Random Facts About Italy

Italy is home to some of the finest inventions and foods in the world. Not only did this historic country bring us pizza and pianos, but it is full of so many crazy and interesting facts that many of us...

10 Titanic Facts You Have to Know About the Movie

Titanic (1997) is the highest-grossing movie of all time, and won eleven Academy Awards. Based on the real-life story of RMS Titanic’s sinking on 15th April 1912, which cost the lives of over 1,500 people, James Cameron’s blockbuster followed the...

Modern Family

10 Modern Family Facts You Must Read Now

It’s hard not to love Modern Family, right? It feels like just yesterday that the show first hit our TV screens – even though it was back in 2009! So, let’s celebrate this genius sitcom with 10 Modern Family facts...