Tagged: ghosts

The Amityville House

10 Most Haunted Houses in the World

The world is full of so many haunted houses, apparently. Whether you believe in paranormal activity or not, you have to admit these spooky stories are enough to haunt your nightmares – which is why we’re offering the 10 most...

10 Ghost Facts to Spook You this Halloween

Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe you have seen one, and maybe you think it’s a load of old rubbish. There will always be believers and sceptics, so if you want to make an informed decision before you decide, read...

Back Seat ghost

10 Paranormal Photographs to Make You Shiver

Do you believe in ghosts? You might do at the end of this article, because if there is one thing you cannot deny, it’s that the following images are pretty damn spooky! 1. The Passenger Mabel Chinnery was visiting her...