10 Incredible Biology Facts that Will Surprise You
The List Love offers top 10 lists to help our readers learn new and exciting facts in quick bursts, which is why we’re providing 10 incredible biology facts that will surprise you.
1. Tickling
Your body reacts with panic when tickled, as it’s your brains way of telling you there is a bug crawling on you. So that laugh is fear!
2. Our Bones
You probably would believe adults have more bones than a baby, don’t you? When in fact babies have more bones than an adult.
3. Breathing
Have you ever tried to breathe and swallow at the same time? You can’t.
4. The Human Brain
The human brain only makes up 2% of a person’s body weight, but needs 20% of the body’s oxygen and 15% of the heart’s work.
5. NASA Hubble Space Telescope
The human brain produces as much data in 30 seconds as the NASA Hubble Space telescope has produced in its entire lifetime.
6. Thighs
Have you got solid thighs? You’re damn right you do, as human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
7. Shivering
When you shiver in the cold, your body releases the exercise hormone irisin, which encourages your body to turn fat into heat.
8. Skin Organisms
There are more organisms living on the skin of one human than there are humans living on planet Earth.
9. Bacteria
The average human gut contains 100 trillion bacteria, which make up 1-3% of your body mass.
10. 1 Million Songs
Your brain could fit in approximately 1 million songs, as the storage capacity of a human brain exceeds 4 terabytes.
Would you like to learn more about your body? You can at The List Love. Click here for more human body facts.
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