The Latest Top 10 Lists Blog
Have you ever had a gut feeling that something bad was about to happen? Well, the following people suffered strong premonitions that seemingly foretold horrible tragedies and disasters. 1. 9/11 Barrett Naylor, a Wall Street executive, had two premonitions about...
History is filled with strong, fierce women who fought to ensure they had an equal place in the world alongside men. It is essential we never forget their courage, rebellion and selflessness. Take a look at 10 of the most...
You would think inventing a unique idea would set you up for life. However, the following geniuses unfortunately died as a result of their own creations due to horrible twists of fate. 1. The Segway The Segway was all set...
The Big Bang Theory made geeks all over the world finally look cool. Now heading into its 8th season, we thought it was high-time we took a look back at the show to reveal some of its little-know facts. 1....
Robin Williams was one of the greatest comedy actors in the movie industry, and whilst he can never be replaced, he does live on in many of the wonderful movies he left behind. Let’s take a look at 10 facts...
Stephen King is one of the greatest horror writers of all time, providing us with some of the finest works of fiction on our book shelves. For a man that writes a hell of a lot, we know surprisingly little...
Have you ever saw an alien? Do you believe there is life beyond planet Earth? We live in a vast universe, with planets that offer different environments. It is therefore not completely unbelievable to think there could be other lifeforms...
Elton John is one of the greatest musicians in music, but there is so much more to the man than his iconic songs. So we thought we’d share 10 of the best facts about the rocket man. 1. Middle Name...
Many of us most likely won’t know what we’ll have for our last ever meal, but death row inmates have the choice to pick their favourite foods before execution. Here are 10 of the most interesting… 1. Victor Feguer What...
Do you believe in ghosts? You might do at the end of this article, because if there is one thing you cannot deny, it’s that the following images are pretty damn spooky! 1. The Passenger Mabel Chinnery was visiting her...