10 Coolest Jobs in the World
Do you have to be stuck in an office all day once you get a job? Of course not! There are some incredible careers out there if you’re adventurous enough to take the first steps towards them. How would you...
For the love of top 10 lists
Do you have to be stuck in an office all day once you get a job? Of course not! There are some incredible careers out there if you’re adventurous enough to take the first steps towards them. How would you...
Your Mom should be on top of your Christmas shopping list this year. It’s the perfect time to show her how much she means to you and that you’re grateful for all that she does for you. Instead of choosing...
Babies are many things: cute, gross, stressful and funny, in addition to being genuinely fascinating. Their bodies are the same as ours, but work very differently until they become more developed. Given that they can’t speak for themselves, we know...
Medical science has come a long way in the past few centuries, although diseases like AIDS and cancer remain without comprehensive cures, heart disease still affects high numbers of people across the UK and throughout the world and we haven’t...
Ever since Karl Benz invented the modern car we know and love today, people across the world have strived to get their hands on the best vehicles in existence. The List Love is taking a look at the 10 biggest...
Your home is your haven – a place where you can relax, unwind and forget about the world. It makes sense to have a home that reflects your personality. Incorporating your personal taste and style into a home can be...
Champagne is an elegant, sophisticated drink that’s loved and respected by alcohol aficionados across the world. It is also the only alcoholic drink that’s acceptable to drink in the morning, so we love the stuff here at The List Love....
There are people in the world who are far too kind, cunning or brave. Here are 10 unbelievable actions that are either incredibly generous, exceptionally brave or ridiculously sneaky. 1. The German General German General Erwin Rommel was unfortunate enough...
The world is full of so many wonderful people – and the internet allows us just to see a handful of them in all their glory. May we all as wonderful and thoughtful as these caring people who have performed...
The world is sadly filled with tragic moments and cold-hearted individuals. However, the following photographs show just how wonderful and compassionate people can be, even when faced with extreme violence, prejudice or sorrow. 1. The KKK Patient The above photograph...