The 10 Greediest Animals on the Planet
Most animals are so cute you just want to stuff them in your pocket and pull them out at your leisure – but don’t turn your back on these animals or they’ll eat you out of house and home!
1. Hungry Hamster
Who knew hamsters’ mouths could be so big? It’s his friend we feel sorry for. He’s got no chance getting any of that strawberry!
2. Starving Squirrel
What’s sweeter than a squirrel? A squirrel with a mouth stuffed with sweetcorn, of course!
3. Craving Cat
You know you have no chance of having any of this fruit. This cat won’t give up this fruit without a fight!
4. Trying Turtle
We’ve all tried to eat food as big as our body weight at some point, haven’t we? And it looks like turtles are no different!
5. Cheeky Chipmunk
Here at The List Love we’re just nutty about this chipmunk – and it turns out this chipmunk is a little nutty about nuts! You stuff that in!
6. Pop-Bellied Possum
Possums love pastries, apparently. You know you’ve felt exactly like this after a big meal!
7. Piggish Puffin
We love fish as much as the next person, puffin, but this is just gluttonous! Save some for someone else!
8. Acquisitive Ape
This old ape knows what he likes and he likes what he knows. How do you like them apples?
9. Hungry Hippo
People call them hungry hippos for a reason, as this photograph shows. Happy Halloween, Mr Hippo!
10. Gluttonous Gorilla
We’re not sure if this gorilla is eating these carrots or trying to smoke them. Either way, we recommend he eats them one at a time!
Have you got a favourite photo from above? How greedy is your pet? Let us know by popping in a message below.
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[…] with any of the above. Slip us a message in the comment box below. Why not check out our post on The 10 Greediest Animals on the Planet. Go on, you know you want […]