At The List Love, we love hearing from writers, which is why we’re open to article submissions from people across the world. As long as you can write high quality content, we are interested in posting your blog on our website.
Our Rules
If you want to become a contributor, all you have to do is follow these very simple rules:
• Articles must be over 500 words
• All facts must be that
• Articles must be written as a top 10 list
• Please do not send us opinion pieces. We do not believe in pushing beliefs upon our readers, and we do not criticise companies. All articles must be factual and positive.
• Write for us – not yourself. Of course we want to hear your voice shine through, but think of the tone of The List Love. Have a browse around our website to see the type of articles we write.
• Pick a topic! You can write for us about travel, food, science, fashion, history, home décor, movies, TV, casinos, bizarre stories, finance and more.
• We reserve the right to amend your article to fix inaccuracies or grammar mistakes. We will inform you of any major changes before publication.
Who Can Post?
• We accept guest posts from writers all over the world, so think of an article topic and send it in!
• We do accept guest posts from companies, but this will be viewed as a sponsored/paid guest post for a commercial backlink.
What We Can Do For You?
As well as posting your top 10 list article submission on our website, we will also:
• Provide up to two backlinks to your blog, website or social media page – but it must seamlessly blend into the copy. No spam!
• Include an author bio, if required.
If we do say no to you, don’t take it to heart. All writers face rejection at some point – it’s what makes us stronger. It could just be that your article wasn’t right for our website, which is why we’ll try to provide detailed feedback when possible.
If you still want to write a guest post for The List Love, all you have to do is email us at
Advertise on The List Love
You can now advertise on The List Love. If you have a business proposal you would like to put forward to us, simply email We’re open to ideas and are happy to consider everything from sponsored guest posts, sponsorship opportunities, product reviews and banner advertising.
I would love to write for you!
Hi Lauren,
We’d love for you to send us an article idea to
Just tell us what you want to write about to see if it matches the tone of The List Love. Just take a look around our website to get an idea for our site’s voice and topics, and send us your idea.
We look forward to hearing from you. 🙂
Hello The List Love,
My name is Roman Winter and I am a freelance writer. I am just looking to get experience by writing for well read blogs such as yours. I am currently looking to write an article on The Cheshire Coffee Company’s Jordan’s Skinny syrup which is hugely popular. I was wondering if you would be interested in featuring it on your blog, and I look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you for your time.
Kind regards.
Hi Roman,
Thanks for your comment.
Please email with a guest post pitch.