10 Fantastically Fascinating Food Facts
We all love food, don’t we? But what do we actually know about it? Well, we’ve done a little digging to provide you with these interesting food facts.
Warning: this post might make you a little hungry!
1. Cheese
Love cheese? So do robbers, as it is the most stolen food in the world. Mmmm… cheese.
2. Fortune Cookies
Fortune cookies are a staple part of Chinese meals, right? However, they’re not a traditional Chinese custom. Where were they invented? In San Francisco in early 1900.
3. Chicken
Chickens are getting fatter! The birds contain 266% more fat than they did 40 years ago.
4. Coconut Water
If you’re ever low on blood plasma, you should use coconut water as a substitute.
5. Food Waste
We’re a world of wasters! Apparently almost half of the planet’s food is thrown in the bin every year. That’s a lot!
6. Honey
Never throw a jar of honey away – even after 40 years. While the thought of eating decades old honey might make you feel a little bit queasy, it is the only food that will never rot.
Bonus tip: if the old honey starts to crystallise, all you have to do is bung it in the microwave for a couple of seconds. Good as new!
7. Peanut Butter
You’ll wish you were a scientists once you’ve read that they can turn peanut butter into diamonds. The paste is used between the tips of two diamonds, creating a stiletto heel effect. Yummy!
8. Soylent
Ever heard of soylent? Well, you will probably hear a lot about it pretty soon, as it is a food substitute that can reportedly tick every box of your daily nutritional requirements. It’s currently undergoing testing and modification.
9. Peanuts
Peanuts are a powerful food. Not only can they be turned into diamonds when formed as peanut butter, but they help make dynamite. The oil in peanuts is extracted to make glycerol – which helps make nitro-glycerine, the main dynamite ingredient.
10. Pretzels
Pretzels are religious. The snack’s twists are meant to look like arms crossed in prayer, and they have three openings to symbolise the Holy Trinity.
Craving more food facts? Have a read of 10 Surprising McDonald’s Facts.