Category: Uncategorized

10 Weird Collections Bought for Outrageous Money

The average American household spends about $60,000 on goods and services every year. Some people out there though, namely celebrities, spend a lot more than that. They spend millions… And we’re not talking about millions on necessary goods and services,...

7 Smart Things to Buy with a Credit Card

Americans owe a record-breaking $1.04 trillion in credit card debt, and 60% of people don’t have enough income to pay off their credit card bills every month. With these shocking numbers in mind, you may be wary of getting a credit...

10 of the Best Matches Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone has different personalities and some people think this is based on the particular zodiac sign that you were born under. They also think that you can determine the perfect relationship match for yourself by knowing which sun sign you...

9 Staggering Pros And Cons Of Vaping In 2019

It’s unlikely you’ll go anywhere these days without seeing a puff of e-cigarette smoke hanging around a person. And it’s no wonder! Vaping has taken the world by storm and it doesn’t have any signs of slowing down. In the...

Leonardo DiCaprio

10 Leonardo DiCaprio Facts You Must Read

Leo has finally done it; he has won an Oscar. To celebrate his Academy Award, we here at The List Love are offering 10 Leonardo DiCaprio facts you must read. 1. Lenny Williams source: It’s hard to imagine the movie...