Tagged: Facts


10 Mind-Boggling Starbucks Facts

Starbucks opened their first coffee shop in Seattle back in 1971, and now serve 40 million customers per day. The coffee giant is now one of the biggest brands in the world – so why not learn a little more...


10 Sparkling Bonfire Night Facts

Bonfire Night is on its way, and we can practically hear the fireworks! In celebration of Guy Fawkes and his conspirators failing to blow up the Houses of Parliament or King James I on 5th November 1605, most Commonwealth countries...

10 Ghost Facts to Spook You this Halloween

Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe you have seen one, and maybe you think it’s a load of old rubbish. There will always be believers and sceptics, so if you want to make an informed decision before you decide, read...

10 Jaw-Dropping Facts About China

China’s civilisation spans over 5,000 years and now has a population of over 1.35 billion people. The sovereign state is steeped in history and culture, and so we thought we should all learn a bit more about it. Here are...